Thursday, September 24, 2015

Bakrid – the festival of sacrifice - When is Bakrid celebrated?

About Bakr-id:

Bakr-id, to be rightly called Id-ul-Azha, is one of the most important Muslim festivals. This festival is observed and celebrated as a Festival of Sacrifice by Muslims all over the world. It falls on the 10th of Dhul-Hagg, the last month of the lunar year. Bakrid is celebrated in commemoration of Abraham's willingness to offer his only son as a sacrifice at God's command. On this day, goats are sacrificed as an offering. Bakrid is celebrated with great enthusiasm and vigor among Muslims. Men and women dress up in new clothes and go to mosques. They offer special prayers or 'Dua' for the peace and prosperity of all Muslims. After the prayer, sacrifice is done. Muslims greet one another 'Eid Mubarak' and share their warmth. They visit relatives and friends and exchange gifts. Special delicacies and dishes are prepared and served amongst family and friends.
Bakrid is one of the most popular festivals celebrated by the Muslims all over the world where it is known as Eid-Al-Adha. It commemorates the sacrifices of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), who was ready to sacrifice his first born on God's command, and later sacrificed a sheep as per God's instructions. Animals like goat, sheep, cow or camel are sacrificed on this day. It is a day of feasting and visiting with friends and family. The festival is celebrated after the Hajj pilgrimage.

When is Bakrid celebrated?

Bakrid is celebrated at the end of the month of Islamic holy pilgrimage or Hajj. It falls on the tenth of Dhul-Hugg or the last month of the lunar Islamic calendar.

The rituals of Bakrid

Bakrid is celebrated with lot of ceremony all over the country. It is especially observed in the city of Hyderabad.
The rituals of the festival are as follows:
The day begins with Muslims dressing up in new clothes and visiting the mosque. There, they perform dua or prayers for peace and prosperity of all.
Takbir is recited before and after the prayers.
Sacrifice is the most important aspect of Bakrid. Animals like goat, sheep, cow and camel are sacrificed. The animals must meet certain standards of perfection and the sacrifice is carried out in accordance with the religious laws.Wealthy families are expected to provide one animal for sacrifice while if the family is poor, seven or seventy families can contribute to sacrifice one animal. Two thirds of the meat is distributed to the poor and one third is retained by the family for consumptions.
After the prayers, alms are given to the poor.
People visit with each other and exchange greetings of Id Mubarak. They visit houses of friends and relatives to celebrate Id. Feasts are prepared throughout the day. Everybody is made a part of the festivities. Special delicacies are prepared to celebrate Bakrid. In addition, gifts are also exchanged.

When is Bakrid This Year? Bakrid 2015

When is Bakrid in 2015? Know about Bakrid and the day and date on which Bakrid falls this year. Information about holidays and important days in 2015. Find out when is Bakrid in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018

Bakrid festival dates between 2012 & 2022

Year                       Date
2012             Friday, 26th of October
2013            Tuesday, 15th of October
2014            Sunday, 5th of October
2015            Thursday, 24th of September
2016            Tuesday, 11th of September
2017            Saturday, 2nd of September
2018            Wednesday, 22nd of August
2019            Monday, 12th of August
2020            Friday, 31st of July
2021           Tuesday, 20th of July
2022           Sunday, 10th of July

happy bakr-id 2015

Saturday, September 19, 2015

List of Districts Arunachal Pradesh State With Headquarters and Current Population :

Districts of Arunachal Pradesh With City list and Current Population : 

Hi to all here is all arunachal pradesh district list with sub districts mandals when you click on hyper link on list then open new tab all list of mandals . You know Arunachal Pradesh is an important state in Northeast India. The district maps of Arunachal Pradesh show all the districts that make up the state. It is one of the Seven Sister States of India. The districts of Arunachal Pradesh function as the administrative subdivisions of the state.

map of arunachal pradeshPopulation of India 2015

Current Population of India in 2015 1,286,614,547 (1.28 billion) As of September 18, 2015
Total Male Population in India 664,407,752 (664 million in 2015)
Total Female Population in India 622,206,794 (622 million in 2015)
Sex Ratio 943 females per 1,000 males

Arunachal Pradesh is an State of India with population of Approximate 13.84 Lakhs.
The population of Arunachal Pradesh state is 1,383,727.
The density of Arunachal Pradesh state is 17 per sq km.
Arunachal Pradesh State is spread over 83,743 Sq Km.

The state of Arunachal Pradesh is made up of 17 districts. Every district of the state is governed by a district collector who also looks after the requirements of the regional population. Given below are the names of the 17 districts of Arunachal Pradesh and Headquarters with Populations :

4West SiangListAlong112,274
5TirapListKhonsa 111,975
6East SiangListPasighat99,214
7Kurung KumeyListKoloriang92,076
8West KamengListBomdila83,947
9Upper SubansiriListDaporijo83,448
10Lower SubansiriListZiro83,030
11East KamengListSeppa78,690
12Lower Dibang Valley ListAnini54,080
13TawangListTawang Town49,977
14Upper SiangListYingkiong35,320
16Dibang ValleyListAnini8,004 

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Friday, September 18, 2015

List of Andhra Pradesh Districts With Headquarters and Population

Districts of Andhra Pradesh and Current Population :

andhra pradesh district list and mapHi to all here is all andhra pradesh districts list and about this states. Andhra Pradesh, one of India's largest states is spread over Total Area: 2, 75,069 km² and located between latitude 12° N and 22° N, and between longitude 77° E and 84° E.
The current population of Andhra Pradesh state is 1,286,614,547 (1.28 billion) As of September 18, 2015.
The density of Andhra Pradesh state is 308 per sq km.
Total Male Population in India 664,407,752 (664 million in 2015)
Total Female Population in India 622,206,794 (622 million in 2015)
Sex Ratio 943 females per 1,000 males
Age structure
0 to 25 years 50% of India's current population

1Sri Potti Sriramulu NelloreListNellore2,963,557
2Karim NagarListKarim Nagar3,776,269
4West GodavariListEluru3,936,966
5SrikakulamListSrikakulam 2,703,114
9East GodavariListKakinada5,154,296
11Hyderabad UrbanListHyderabad3,943,323
19Ranga ReddyListRanga Reddy5,296,741

Thursday, September 17, 2015

भगवान विश्वकर्मा और उनका जीवन

आज भगवान विश्वकर्मा का त्यौहार : 17-सितम्बर-2015

आप सभी को गणेश चतुर्थी की शुभकामनाएं !

हम अपने प्राचीन ग्रंथो उपनिषद एवं पुराण आदि का अवलोकन करें तो पायेगें कि आदि काल से ही विश्वकर्मा शिल्पी अपने विशिष्ट ज्ञान एवं विज्ञान के कारण ही न मात्र मानवों अपितु देवगणों द्वारा भी पूजित और वंदित है । भगवान विश्वकर्मा के आविष्कार एवं निर्माण कोर्यों के सन्दर्भ में इन्द्रपुरी, यमपुरी, वरुणपुरी, कुबेरपुरी, पाण्डवपुरी, सुदामापुरी, शिवमण्डलपुरी आदि का निर्माण इनके द्वारा किया गया है । पुष्पक विमान का निर्माण तथा सभी देवों के भवन और उनके दैनिक उपयोगी होनेवाले वस्तुएं भी इनके द्वारा ही बनाया गया है । कर्ण का कुण्डल, विष्णु भगवान का सुदर्शन चक्र, शंकर भगवान का त्रिशुल और यमराज का कालदण्ड इत्यादि वस्तुओं का निर्माण भगवान विश्वकर्मा ने ही किया है ।
god vishwakarmaभगवान विश्वकर्मा ने ब्रम्हाजी की उत्पत्ति करके उन्हे प्राणीमात्र का सृजन करने का वरदान दिया और उनके द्वारा 84 लाख योनियों को उत्पन्न किया । श्री विष्णु भगवान की उत्पत्ति कर उन्हे जगत में उत्पन्न सभी प्राणियों की रक्षा और भगण-पोषण का कार्य सौप दिया । प्रजा का ठीक सुचारु रुप से पालन और हुकुमत करने के लिये एक अत्यंत शक्तिशाली तिव्रगामी सुदर्शन चक्र प्रदान किया । बाद में संसार के प्रलय के लिये एक अत्यंत दयालु बाबा भोलेनाथ श्री शंकर भगवान की उत्पत्ति की । उन्हे डमरु, कमण्डल, त्रिशुल आदि प्रदान कर उनके ललाट पर प्रलयकारी तिसरा नेत्र भी प्रदान कर उन्हे प्रलय की शक्ति देकर शक्तिशाली बनाया । यथानुसार इनके साथ इनकी देवियां खजाने की अधिपति माँ लक्ष्मी, राग-रागिनी वाली वीणावादिनी माँ सरस्वती और माँ गौरी को देकर देंवों को सुशोभित किया ।

हमारे धर्मशास्त्रो और ग्रथों में विश्वकर्मा के पाँच स्वरुपों और अवतारों का वर्णन प्राप्त होता है ।

विराट विश्वकर्मा – सृष्टि के रचेता
धर्मवंशी विश्वकर्मा – महान शिल्प विज्ञान विधाता प्रभात पुत्र
अंगिरावंशी विश्वकर्मा – आदि विज्ञान विधाता वसु पुत्र
सुधन्वा विश्वकर्म – महान शिल्पाचार्य विज्ञान जन्मदाता ऋशि अथवी के पात्र
भृंगुवंशी विश्वकर्मा – उत्कृष्ट शिल्प विज्ञानाचार्य (शुक्राचार्य के पौत्र )

देवगुरु बृहस्पति की भगिनी भुवना के पुत्र भौवन विश्वकर्मा की वंश परम्परा अत्यंत वृध्द है।सृष्टि के वृध्दि करने हेतु भगवान पंचमुख विष्वकर्मा के सघोजात नामवाले पूर्व मुख से सामना दूसरे वामदेव नामक दक्षिण मुख से सनातन, अघोर नामक पश्चिम मुख से अहिंमून, चौथे तत्पुरुष नामवाले उत्तर मुख से प्रत्न और पाँचवे ईशान नामक मध्य भागवाले मुख से सुपर्णा की उत्पत्ति शास्त्रो में वर्णित है। इन्ही सानग, सनातन, अहमन, प्रत्न और सुपर्ण नामक पाँच गोत्र प्रवर्तक ऋषियों से प्रत्येक के पच्चीस-पच्चीस सन्ताने उत्पन्न हुई जिससे विशाल विश्वकर्मा समाज का विस्तार हुआ है ।

शिल्पशास्त्रो के प्रणेता बने स्वंय भगवान विश्वकर्मा जो ऋषशि रुप में उपरोक्त सभी ज्ञानों का भण्डार है, शिल्पो कें आचार्य शिल्पी प्रजापति ने पदार्थ के आधार पर शिल्प विज्ञान को पाँच प्रमुख धाराओं में विभाजित करते हुए तथा मानव समाज को इनके ज्ञान से लाभान्वित करने के निर्मित पाणच प्रमुख शिल्पायार्च पुत्र को उत्पन्न किया जो अयस ,काष्ट, ताम्र, शिला एंव हिरण्य शिल्प के अधिषश्ठाता मनु, मय, त्वष्ठा, शिल्पी एंव दैवज्ञा के रुप में जाने गये । ये सभी ऋषि वेंदो में पारंगत थे ।

कन्दपुराण के नागर खण्ड में भगवान विश्वकर्मा के वशंजों की चर्चा की गई है । ब्रम्ह स्वरुप विराट श्री.विश्वकर्मा पंचमुख है । उनके पाँच मुख है जो पुर्व, पश्चिम, उत्तर, दक्षिण और ऋषियों को मत्रों व्दारा उत्पन्न किये है । उनके नाम है – मनु, मय, त्वष्टा, शिल्पी और देवज्ञ ।

ऋषि मनु विष्वकर्मा – ये “सानग गोत्र” के कहे जाते है । ये लोहे के कर्म के उध्दगाता है । इनके वशंज लोहकार के रुप मे जानें जाते है ।
सनातन ऋषि मय – ये सनातन गोत्र कें कहें जाते है । ये बढई के कर्म के उद्धगाता है। इनके वंशंज काष्टकार के रुप में जाने जाते है।
अहभून ऋषि त्वष्ठा – इनका दूसरा नाम त्वष्ठा है जिनका गोत्र अहंभन है । इनके वंशज ताम्रक के रूप में जाने जाते है ।
प्रयत्न ऋषि शिल्पी – इनका दूसरा नाम शिल्पी है जिनका गोत्र प्रयत्न है । इनके वशंज शिल्पकला के अधिष्ठाता है और इनके वंशज संगतराश भी कहलाते है इन्हें मुर्तिकार भी कहते हैं ।

देवज्ञ ऋषि – इनका गोत्र है सुर्पण । इनके वशंज स्वर्णकार के रूप में जाने जाते हैं । ये रजत, स्वर्ण धातु के शिल्पकर्म करते है, ।

परमेश्वर विश्वकर्मा के ये पाँच पुत्रं, मनु, मय, त्वष्ठा, शिल्पी और देवज्ञ शस्त्रादिक निर्माण करके संसार करते है । लोकहित के लिये अनेकानेक पदार्थ को उत्पन्न करते वाले तथा घर ,मंदिर एवं भवन, मुर्तिया आदि को बनाने वाले तथा अलंकारों की रचना करने वाले है । इनकी सारी रचनाये लोकहितकारणी हैं । इसलिए ये पाँचो एवं वन्दनीय ब्राम्हण है और यज्ञ कर्म करने वाले है । इनके बिना कोई भी यज्ञ नहीं हो सकता ।

मनु ऋषि ये भगनान विश्वकर्मा के सबसे बडे पुत्र थे । इनका विवाह अंगिरा ऋषि की कन्या कंचना के साथ हुआ था इन्होने मानव सृष्टि का निर्माण किया है । इनके कुल में अग्निगर्भ, सर्वतोमुख, ब्रम्ह आदि ऋषि उत्पन्न हुये है ।

भगवान विश्वकर्मा के दुसरे पुत्र मय महर्षि थे । इनका विवाह परासर ऋषि की कन्या सौम्या देवी के साथ हुआ था । इन्होने इन्द्रजाल सृष्टि की रचना किया है । इनके कुल में विष्णुवर्धन, सूर्यतन्त्री, तंखपान, ओज, महोज इत्यादि महर्षि पैदा हुए है ।

भगवान विश्वकर्मा के तिसरे पुत्र महर्षि त्वष्ठा थे । इनका विवाह कौषिक ऋषि की कन्या जयन्ती के साथ हुआ था । इनके कुल में लोक त्वष्ठा, तन्तु, वर्धन, हिरण्यगर्भ शुल्पी अमलायन ऋषि उत्पन्न हुये है । वे देवताओं में पूजित ऋषि थे ।

भगवान विश्वकर्मा के चौथे महर्षि शिल्पी पुत्र थे । इनका विवाह भृगु ऋषि की करूणाके साथ हुआ था । इनके कुल में बृध्दि, ध्रुन, हरितावश्व, मेधवाह नल, वस्तोष्यति, शवमुन्यु आदि ऋषि हुये है । इनकी कलाओं का वर्णन मानव जाति क्या देवगण भी नहीं कर पाये है ।

भगवान विश्वकर्मा के पाँचवे पुत्र महर्षि दैवज्ञ थे । इनका विवाह जैमिनी ऋषि की कन्या चन्र्दिका के साथ हुआ था । इनके कुल में सहस्त्रातु, हिरण्यम, सूर्यगोविन्द, लोकबान्धव, अर्कषली इत्यादी ऋषि हुये ।

इन पाँच पुत्रो के अपनी छीनी, हथौडी और अपनी उँगलीयों से निर्मित कलाये दर्शको को चकित कर देती है । उन्होन् अपने वशंजो को कार्य सौप कर अपनी कलाओं को सारे संसार मे फैलाया और आदि युग से आजलक अपने-अपने कार्य को सभालते चले आ रहे है ।

विश्वकर्मा वैदिक देवता के रूप में मान्य हैं, किंतु उनका पौराणिक स्वरूप अलग प्रतीत होता है। आरंभिक काल से ही विश्वकर्मा के प्रति सम्मान का भाव रहा है। उनको गृहस्थ जैसी संस्था के लिए आवश्यक सुविधाओं का निर्माता और प्रवर्तक कहा माना गया है। वह सृष्टि के प्रथम सूत्रधार कहे गए हैं-

देवौ सौ सूत्रधार: जगदखिल हित: ध्यायते सर्वसत्वै।

वास्तु के 18 उपदेष्टाओं में विश्वकर्मा को प्रमुख माना गया है। उत्तर ही नहीं, दक्षिण भारत में भी, जहां मय के ग्रंथों की स्वीकृति रही है, विश्वकर्मा के मतों को सहज रूप में लोकमान्यता प्राप्त है। वराहमिहिर ने भी कई स्थानों पर विश्वकर्मा के मतों को उद्धृत किया है।

विष्णुपुराण के पहले अंश में विश्वकर्मा को देवताओं का वर्धकी या देव-बढ़ई कहा गया है तथा शिल्पावतार के रूप में सम्मान योग्य बताया गया है। यही मान्यता अनेक पुराणों में आई है, जबकि शिल्प के ग्रंथों में वह सृष्टिकर्ता भी कहे गए हैं। स्कंदपुराण में उन्हें देवायतनों का सृष्टा कहा गया है। कहा जाता है कि वह शिल्प के इतने ज्ञाता थे कि जल पर चल सकने योग्य खड़ाऊ तैयार करने में समर्थ थे।

सूर्य की मानव जीवन संहारक रश्मियों का संहार भी विश्वकर्मा ने ही किया। राजवल्लभ वास्तुशास्त्र में उनका ज़िक्र मिलता है। यह ज़िक्र अन्य ग्रंथों में भी मिलता है। विश्वकर्मा कंबासूत्र, जलपात्र, पुस्तक और ज्ञानसूत्र धारक हैं, हंस पर आरूढ़, सर्वदृष्टिधारक, शुभ मुकुट और वृद्धकाय हैं—

कंबासूत्राम्बुपात्रं वहति करतले पुस्तकं ज्ञानसूत्रम्।

हंसारूढ़स्विनेत्रं शुभमुकुट शिर: सर्वतो वृद्धकाय:॥

उनका अष्टगंधादि से पूजन लाभदायक है।

विश्व के सबसे पहले तकनीकी ग्रंथ विश्वकर्मीय ग्रंथ ही माने गए हैं। विश्वकर्मीयम ग्रंथ इनमें बहुत प्राचीन माना गया है, जिसमें न केवल वास्तुविद्या, बल्कि रथादि वाहन व रत्नों पर विमर्श है। विश्वकर्माप्रकाश, जिसे वास्तुतंत्र भी कहा गया है, विश्वकर्मा के मतों का जीवंत ग्रंथ है। इसमें मानव और देववास्तु विद्या को गणित के कई सूत्रों के साथ बताया गया है, ये सब प्रामाणिक और प्रासंगिक हैं। मेवाड़ में लिखे गए अपराजितपृच्छा में अपराजित के प्रश्नों पर विश्वकर्मा द्वारा दिए उत्तर लगभग साढ़े सात हज़ार श्लोकों में दिए गए हैं। संयोग से यह ग्रंथ 239 सूत्रों तक ही मिल पाया है। इस ग्रंथ से यह भी पता चलता है कि विश्वकर्मा ने अपने तीन अन्य पुत्रों जय, विजय और सिद्धार्थ को भी ज्ञान दिया।
If you want to read in English About Vishwakarma Lord 

Note:  this is source from jagaran site 

Celebrate Vishwakarma Puja Why Is It Celebrated and With History

vishwakarma godAbout Lord Vishwakarma : 

Toady is 17-Sep-2015 Lord vishwakarma days .Vishwakarma is the presiding deity of all craftsmen and architects. Son of Brahma, he is the divine drafts-man of the whole universe, and the official builder of all the gods' palaces. Vishwakarma is also the designer of all the flying chariots of the gods, and all their weapons.
The Mahabharata describes him as "The lord of the arts, executor of a thousand handicrafts, the carpenter of the gods, the most eminent of artisans, the fashioner of all ornaments ... and a great and immortal god." He has four hands, wears a crown, loads of gold jewelry, and holds a water-pot, a book, a noose and craftsman's tools in his hands.
From Southern mouth of Divine Vishwakarma known as 'Vamdeo', Maya Brahmashree having 'Sanatan gotra' was borned. He used to make sculpts from wood and is popularly known as 'Sutar'.
From Western mouth of Almighty Vishwakarma known as 'Aghoram', Twashta Brahmashree having 'Ahabhuj gotra' was birthed.
From Northern mouth of Deity Vishwakarma known as 'Tatpurusham', Shilpi Brahmashree having 'Pratna gotra' was borned who used to make sculpts from stones and is known as 'Shilpi'.
From Central mouth of Lord Vishwakarma known as 'Ishan', Suparna or Vishwadnya Brahmashree having 'Suvarna gotra' was borned who used to makes jewellery and other objects out of gold and was popularly known as 'Sonar'.

Vishwakarma - Lord of Architecture :

It is well-said by the peoples that Lord Shree Krishna exhibited the Universe in his mouth to Mata Yashoda with the help of Lord Vishwakarma.
Maker Vishwakarma made sculpts from wood of Lord Shree Krishna, Subhadra and Balram in Jagannath Puri.
There are citations in history that 'Dwarka' of Lord Shree Krishna and 'Suvarnalanka' for Lord Shiva and latterly captured by Devil Ravan in terms of 'Daxina' from Shiva was created by Creator Vishwakarma.
It is also widely known that Lord Vishwakarma established Hastinapur for Kourav and Indraprastha from Pandav from the instructions of Lord Krishna.
In the 'Ramayana', one can find address that son of Lord Vishwakarma: Nal and Neel have constructed a bridge of 400 kilometers in the Arabian sea for Lord Rama known as 'Ramsetu' with the help of 'Vanarsena'. The evidences of which are also existed today.
A solemn pledge of fidelity to the Lord Vishwakarma who created and controlled the whole universe!

Vishwakarma Puja: Why Is It Celebrated? 

Vishwakarma puja is a popular festival in the Eastern and Northern parts of India. Vishwakarma is believed to be the deity who is the main architect of the Universe. He is the son of the creator, Brahma and is the official architect of all the palaces where the Gods reside. He is also the designer of all the flying chariots of the Gods, and their weapons. Since Vishwakarma is the God of architecture and engineering as per the Hindu scriptures, every year Hindus celebrate the Vishwakarma puja with great zeal. On this day the workers take a break from work and all the machines are worshipped. Vishwakarma puja is a resolution time for all the workers and craftsmen to increase their productivity. Also a time to gain an inspiration from the God to create novel things and think of novel ideas.
Stories Associated With Vishwakarma Puja:  
vishwakarma god celebrate
According to the Hindu mythology, Lord Vishwakarma is considered the Divine Architect or the 'Dev Shilpi'. The Rig Veda describes Vishwakarma as the God with multi-dimensional vision and supreme strength. It is believed that most of the mythological architectures are the handiwork of Vishwakarma. He is believed to have been one of the gems born out of the churning of the ocean by the Gods and the demons, and is credited for creating the missiles that were used by the Gods in the mythological era. He is also the architect of the powerful weapon carried by Indra which is known as the Vajra. According to the mythological stories, Lord Vishwakarma is also responsible for creating the most popular architecture of the time, the golden palace of Lanka for the demon king Raavan. The story goes that once Lord Shiva asked Vishwakarma to build a palace for Him and His divine consort Parvati. Vishwakarma was overwhelmed by the request and He created a palace made of gold. For the housewarming ceremony of the palace, Lord Shiva invited the demon king, Raavan to perform the rituals. Raavan was totally smitten by the aura and the grandeur of the palace. So, when Lord Shiva asked him to ask anything as a return gift or 'Dakshina', Raavan asked Shiva for the golden palace itself. Lord Shiva was obliged to give away the palace as a return gift and hence the golden Lanka became Raavan's palace. Similarly, there are many other popular mythological architectures which have been built by Vishwakarma. Some of them are the Indraprastha which was the grand palace of the Pandavas in Mahabharata, Dwarka which was the divine abode of Lord Krishna and Hastinapur or the abode of the Kauravas. All of these wonders are supposed to be created by Vishwakarma. Hence Vishwakarma puja has its own importance in Hinduism. The God of architecture is appeased by worshipping the machines and vehicles. In some parts of India, people fly kites and mark the starting of the festive season in India.

About Vishwakarma god in Hindi  know more in hindi.

Friday, September 11, 2015

List of India State Capital Chief Ministers and Union Territories with Population

List of States and Union Territories, Lt. Governors & Administrators.

Hi to all here is useful for information list of India state. India is a Union of 29 States and 7 Union Territories with Total Current Population of India in 2015 = 1,286,341,519 (1.28 billion) As of September 11, 2015  and Total Male Population in India = 664,266,760 (664 million in 2015) and Total Female Population in India = 622,074,758 (622 million in 2015). Each state has its own government with a Governor as the figurehead, while each Union Territory is administered directly by the President through an administrator appointed by him and Current Population 11 Sep. 2015(See also Political administration of India). Soon upload All India City List with state wise Click for more . Here is all city of all state when you click hyper link then open new tab of that state district and city list for example like when you click on Andhra Pradesh then open a new tab district of cities.

How many total india population and state:

No. State Capital Chief Minister Population
1 Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad Nara Chandrababu Naidu 84,665,533
2 Arunachal Pradesh Itanagar Nabam Tuki 1,383,727
3 Assam Dispur Tarun Gogoi 31,205,576
4 Bihar Patna Nitish Kumar 104,099,452
5 Chhattisgarh Raipur Dr. Raman Singh 25,545,198
6 Goa Panaji Laxmikant Parsekar 1,458,545
7 Gujarat Gandhinagar Ms. Anandiben Patel 60,439,692
8 Haryana Chandigarh Manohar Lal Khattar 25,351,462
9 Himachal Pradesh Shimla Virbhadra Singh 6,864,602
10 Jammu and Kashmir Srinagar Mufti Mohammad Sayeed 12,541,302
11 Jharkhand Ranchi Raghubar Das 32,988,134
12 Karnataka Bengaluru Siddaramaiah 61,095,297
13 Kerala Thiruvananthapuram Oommen Chandy 33,406,061
14 Madhya Pradesh Bhopal Shivraj Singh Chouhan 72,626,809
15 Maharashtra Mumbai Devendra Fadnavis 112,372,972
16 Manipur Imphal Okram Ibobi Singh 2,855,794
17 Meghalaya Shillong Dr. Mukul Sangma 2,966,889
18 Mizoram Aizawl Pu Lal Thanhawla 1,097,206
19 Nagaland Kohima T. R. Zeliang 1,978,502
20 Orissa Bhubaneswar Naveen Patnaik 41,974,218
21 Punjab Chandigarh Parkash Singh Badal 27,743,338
22 Rajasthan Jaipur Ms. Vasundhara Raje 68,548,437
23 Sikkim Gangtok Pawan Chamling 610,577
24 Tamil Nadu Chennai Ms. J. Jayalalithaa 72,147,030
25 Telangana Hyderabad K. Chandrasekhara Rao 3,943,323
26 Tripura Agartala Manik Sarkar 3,673,917
27 Uttar Pradesh Lucknow Akhilesh Yadav 199,581,477
28 Uttarakhand Dehradun Harish Rawat 10,086,292
29 West Bengal Kolkata Ms. Mamata Banerjee 91,276,115
List of Chief Ministers of India’s Union Territories
No. Union Territory Capital Chief Minister Population
1 Delhi Delhi Arvind Kejriwal 16,787,941
2 Puducherry Pondicherry N. Rangasamy 1,247,953
List of Lt. Governors & Administrators of India’s Union Territories
No. Union Territory Capital Lt. Governors & Administrators Population
1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands Port Blair A. K. Singh (Lieutenant Governor) 380,581
2 Chandigarh Chandigarh Prof. Kaptan Singh Solanki (Administrator) 1,055,450
3 Dadra and Nagar Haveli Silvassa Ashish Kundra (Administrator) 343,709
4 Daman and Diu Daman Ashish Kundra (Administrator) 243,247
5 Delhi Delhi Najeeb Jung (Lieutenant Governor) 16,787,941
6 Lakshadweep Kavaratti H. Rajesh Prasad, (Administrator) 64,473
7 Puducherry Podicherry A. K. Singh (Lieutenant Governor) 1,247,953

Click here for list of India’s 29 states and its governors

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Outline map of India’s 29 states. The boundaries shown on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance. Source:
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Friday, September 4, 2015

About shri krisna janmashtami related Question and history of the birth day date and year

What is Janmashtami? 

Lord Krishna appearing in prison to His 'parents,' Vasudeva and Devaki

Janmashtami commemorates the earthly appearance of Krishna, who is described in India’s sacred writings as God Himself. One of the biggest religious festivals in the world, it is celebrated by nine hundred and thirty million people around the world--and two million in the US alone. To devotees, it’s Christmas and New Year’s in one, a day of deep spiritual renewal and celebration that effectively finishes an old year and begins a fresh one.

But why Janmashtami, you may ask? What’s so special about Krishna, as opposed to any other form of God? It’s His personable-ness. He reciprocates in unique, personal ways with every devotee who offers Him love—He is the most adorable, mischievous son, the most romantic lover, the most compassionate friend. And on Janmashtami, devotees celebrate Krishna in all of these aspects. For just as Krishna reciprocates individually with His relatives and confidantes, he responds to the distinct feelings and desires held most deeply in the heart of every single worshipper.

So remember that whatever way you worship Krishna on Janmashtami, He will reciprocate with you accordingly. It’s a meditation that makes for an extremely rewarding devotional experience.

How is Janmashtami Celebrated?

Where Vaishnava temples exist, festivities begin before dawn and extend all day until midnight, the exact moment of the anniversary of Krishna’s appearance. Events include kirtan, singing the Lord’s name along with other devotees; and japa, private, more intimate prayer. Some devotees cook a feast of over one hundred dishes, while others perform drama and dance. Some clothe and decorate the deity of Krishna while others string enormous flower garlands and other decorations for the temple. Incense burns, scriptures are read, and all but the young and the infirm fast all day. The deities are also bathed with a variety of auspicious liquids in a kind of ablution ceremony called abhisheka. Sometimes taking over two hours, this is performed with great pomp.

Finally, at midnight, priests pull apart the curtains to reveal the
freshly dressed deity of Krishna on a creatively festooned and colored
altar. The excitement builds, and a rousing kirtan ensues.

How to Celebrate Janmashtami at Home ?

You can brought by or 
what if you don’t live near a temple? What if you can’t make it to a major celebration Does that mean you can’t observe Janmashtami? Of course not. It is our sincere devotion that pleases Krishna most, and this can be offered anywhere. So to help you feel more connected to the Lord and His devotees on this special day, here are’s tips on how to celebrate Janmashtami at home:

Invite all your friends and family to participate in the festivities.
Decorating your home for Krishna can be fun, particularly for children. Encourage them in helping to make garlands, hanging balloons and festoons of leaves, and generally making the house beautiful for Krishna’s appearance.
Get a copy of the Vaishnava Songbook and choose some of your favorite bhajanas(devotional songs in praise of God) to sing. Krishna, also known as Murlidhara, or “one who holds the flute,” loves music. And so will your friends and family, as you take turns singing and playing instruments. Alternatively, play bhajan CDs and heighten the spiritual atmosphere.

You can also chant extra rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra on your japa mala (prayer beads). This is an intimate one on one exchange with Krishna, and makes you feel much closer to the Lord.

Read the story of Krishna’s advent and other exciting pastimes from Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead or Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto Ten. Pass the book around, and try dramatic readings to bring the story to life. Janmashtami is all about completely immersing yourself in thoughts of Krishna in a festive way.

If you have Radha-Krishna deities, get extra special new outfits for Them. Exercise your creativity and pay special attention to decorating Their altar.

Recreate the temple program and hold an abhisheka bathing
ceremony for your deities. Simply buy different liquids like yogurt,
honey, ghee and fruit juices and bathe the deity with them while
singing devotional songs.

Temples prepare at least one hundred and eight different food dishes on Janmashtami. Of course, you don’t have to go that far, unless you’re feeling particularly energetic! But it’s always nice to cook some very special preparations to offer to the Lord. Imagine that Krishna was actually right there, in your house—what would you offer Him? This makes for a wonderful meditation while cooking on Janmashtami.
shri krishna

Have a midnight arati (worship ceremony) with a
kirtan. This is the exact time that Krishna appeared on this
planet, so it is most auspicious and spiritually inspiring. If you
have arati paraphernalia, then you can do a full offering. If
not, don’t worry–Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita, “If you
offer Me with love a leaf, flower, fruit or water, I will accept it.”
So offer whatever you can—it’s your love and devotion that matters.

Tune into’s webcams and watch the festivities going on at some of ISKCON’s major temples.

Buy a special gift for the Lord. You can wrap it and write a card to Krishna. Here are some gift ideas:

If you have Deities you can buy or make jewelry, new clothes, garlands, peacock feathers, turban pieces, flutes or water cups
Fruit basket
Offering plate
New picture frame if you worship a picture of Krishna
Brand new artist

If you are able to fast from food, fasting until midnight is recommended. If fasting is too difficult, then try to eat only light foods during the day. By putting our own needs aside and concentrating more on Krishna’s, we show our love for Him.

You can engage your children in many of the above activities. Depending on your children’s ages, they can help cook, make garlands, design a birthday card, play musical instruments, dance and chant Hare Krishna. There are many children’s books about Krishna as well as DVDs of Krishna pastimes at the store.

Children also enjoy dressing up as Radha, Krishna and their associates, and re-enacting Krishna’s pastimes. This helps to create a very festive mood.
As you celebrate Janmashtami, remember that just as we enjoy the attention and fun on our birthday, so the Lord also enjoys our attention and gifts on His appearance day. The difference between us and Krishna is that He is able to reciprocate perfectly with each one of us. In the transcendental realm, everything that we offer to the Lord with love and devotion will benefit us unlimitedly, and those benefits will stay with us for eternity.

Fasting Rules on Krishna Janmashtami 

No grains should be consumed during Janmashtami fasting until the fast is broken on next day after Sunrise. All rules followed during Ekadashi fasting should be followed during Janmashtami fasting also. 

Parana which means breaking the fast should be done at an appropriate time. For Krishna Janmashtami fasting, Parana is done on next day after Sunrise when Ashtami Tithi and Rohini Nakshatra are over. If Ashtami Tithi and Rohini Nakshatra don't get over before Sunset then fast can be broken during day time when either Ashtami Tithi or Rohini Nakshatra is over. When neither Ashtami Tithi nor Rohini Nakshatra is over before Sunset or even Hindu Midnight (also known as Nishita Time) one should wait to get them over before breaking the fast. 

Depending on end timing of Ashtami Tithi and Rohini Nakshatra fasting on Krishna Janmashtami might continue for two complete days. Devotees who are not able to follow two days fasting might break the fast on next day after Sunrise. It has been suggested by Hindu religious text Dharmasindhu. 
Krishna Janmashtami is also known as Krishnashtami, Gokulashtami, Ashtami Rohini, Srikrishna Jayanti and Sree Jayanthi. 

How do Hindus celebrate Janmashtami?

The devotees of Lord Krishna observe fast for the whole day and night, worshipping him and keeping vigil through the night while listening to his tales and exploits, recite hymns from the Gita, sing devotional songs, and chant the mantra Om namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya.

Krishna's birthplace Mathura and Vrindavan celebrate this occasion with great pomp and show. Raslilas or religious plays are performed to recreate incidents from the life of Krishna and to commemorate his love for Radha.

Song and dance mark the celebration of this festive occasion all over northern India. At midnight, the statue of infant Krishna is bathed and placed in a cradle, which is rocked, amidst the blowing of conch shells and the ringing of bells.

In the south western state of  Maharashtra, people enact the god's childhood attempts to steal butter and curd from earthen pots beyond his reach. A similar pot is suspended high above the ground and groups of young people form human pyramids to try and reach the pot and break it.

Krishna Janmashtami Observances:   
Krishna Janmashtami Observances

WeekdayDateYearNameHoliday type
FriAug 262005JanmashtamiGazetted Holiday
WedAug 162006JanmashtamiGazetted Holiday
TueSep 42007JanmashtamiGazetted Holiday
SunAug 242008JanmashtamiGazetted Holiday
FriAug 142009JanmashtamiGazetted Holiday
ThuSep 22010JanmashtamiGazetted Holiday
MonAug 222011JanmashtamiGazetted Holiday
FriAug 102012JanmashtamiGazetted Holiday
WedAug 282013JanmashtamiGazetted Holiday
SunAug 172014JanmashtamiGazetted Holiday
SatSep 52015JanmashtamiGazetted Holiday
ThuAug 252016JanmashtamiGazetted Holiday

Celebrations Shree Krishna Janmashtami 2015

Shree Krishna janmashtami

Festival, Dahi Handi :         

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya :  

About Janamashtami  2015: 

(also known as Krishnastami or Gokulastami) is the birthday of Lord Krishna, the eighth avatar (incarnation) of Lord Vishnu, believed to have been born about five thousand years ago in Mathura in 'Dwapar Yuga'. It is celebrated in the August/September months, on the Ashtami of Krishna Paksh or the 8th day of the dark fortnight in the month of Bhadon and is celebrated over two days. The first day is Krishnashtami or Gokulashtami. The second day is called Kalastami or more popularly Janmashtami. This celebration is said to be revealed originally by the Sri Krishna himself to Yudhishthira, the eldest of Pandavas, as mentioned in the Bhavishyottara Puran.
He was born to Vasudev and Devki, who were imprisoned by Devki's evil brother Kansa and was brought up by Nand and Yashoda. The birth of Lod Krishna is believed to be symbolic of our imprisonment in worldly illusions, where He took birth with us and led us to salvation and peace, vanquishing all evils depicted by Kansa in the story.
Janmashtami, the birthday of Lord Krishna is celebrated with great devotion and enthusiasm in India in the month of July or August. According to the Hindu calendar this religious festival is celebrated on the Ashtami of Krishna Paksh or the 8th day of the dark fortnight in the month of Bhadon.
Sri Krishna is considered as the one of the most powerful human incarnations of the Lord Vishnu. He was born around 5,200 years ago in Mathura. The sole objective of 
Sri Krishna's birth was to free the Earth from the evilness of demons. He played an important role in Mahabharata and propagated the theory of bhakti and good karma which are narrated deeply in the Bhagwat Geeta.
Sri Krishna was born in a prison in the custody of Kansa. Vasudev, His father immediately thought of his friend Nand and decided to hand over his child to him to save Krishna from the clutch of Kansa. Krishna grew up in Gokul and finally killed his uncle, King Kansa.
The actual celebration of Janmashtami takes place during the midnight as Sri Krishna is believed to be borned on a dark, stormy and windy night to end the rule and violence of his uncle, Kansa. All over India this day is celebrated with devotional songs and dances, pujas, arti, blowing of the Conch and rocking the cradle of baby Sri Krishna.
The Janmashtami celebration of Mathura and Vrindavan, the places where Sri Krishna had spent his life, are very special. On this day temples and homes are wonderfully decorated and illuminated. Night long prayers are offered and religious mantras are sung in the temples.

Many Question of about shree krishna janmashtami : 

5242th Birth Anniversary of Lord Krishna
Nishita Puja Time = 23:56 to 24:42+
Duration = 0 Hours 46 Mins
Mid Night Moment = 24:19+
On 6th, Parana Time = 06:05 (After Sunrise)
On Parana Day Ashtami Tithi and Rohini Nakshatra got over before Sunrise
Dahi Handi on 6th, September
Ashtami Tithi Begins = 03:55 on 5/Sep/2015
Ashtami Tithi Ends = 03:01 on 6/Sep/2015

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

SAT upholds SEBI’s order asking the company to refund money to investors

PACL INDIA LTD Latest News :

In another step towards unravelling the mind-boggling Rs49,100 crore raised by PACL Ltd through a collective investment scheme (CIS), on 18th August, the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) has upheld SEBI’s order asking the company to refund the money to investors in a land-purchase scheme that operated like a mutual fund. Even as various regulators—and, the Andhra Pradesh police—have been tracking PACL (formerly Pearls Agrotech Corporation Ltd) for over 15 years, the company continued to raise thousands of crores of rupees more from gullible investors without any regulatory approval. According to SEBI, PACL has 58.5 million customers.
pacl jaipur head office

Land-ownership being an emotive issue for Indians, the company was easily able to collect money. Interestingly, the SAT order says that the total land held by PACL in the form of stock-in-trade is only Rs11,707 crore and it has sale deeds in respect of only 19,284 investors. In the past few years, PACL has even attempted to legitimise its operations by having its land holdings registered with a trustee company. In 2010, the Times of India had reported that much of the land acquired by PACL was on the India-Pakistan border and in the Thar desert!

Remember, PACL had gone on to raise Rs20,000 crore from investors by 2011, although SEBI had issued an order against it as far back as in 2002. Since then, PACL has taken full advantage of our slow judicial process to challenge the regulator’s authority in multiple forums, while continuing to raise further funds. Finally, the Supreme Court referred the case back to SEBI and asked the regulator to initiate appropriate action. Since the company challenged this order before SAT, it is more than likely that it will again attempt to approach the apex court before we see any sign of money being refunded to the public.

PACL has been given three months to comply with SEBI’s order, which means that, at the end of November, it is supposed to refund a massive sum to investors. Will this saga, which began with SEBI’s first notice to PACL in 1999, end this year? Unlikely. The PACL saga will probably follow that of the Sahara Parivar which had advertised plans to refund Rs74,000 crore raised by it (in residuary non-banking finance company) ahead of time but has tied itself up in knots.

Meanwhile, a leading newspaper has already taken on the job of white-washing the company with a report which claims that its investors are ‘standing by it’ and that it should be given time to make its payments. This is akin to the Sahara group’s absurd strategy of employing digital media teams to post comments in its favour. SEBI’s relentless crackdown on dubious CISs is commendable, but the effort involved in bringing a Sahara, an Alchemist, a Rose Valley, a Royal Twinkle or a PACL to book shows how easy it is for dubious entities to raise a few thousand crores of rupees by entrapping gullible Indians with the promise of high returns.

Source : main source from money life site 

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